Russian Opposition to Putin’s Constitutional Changes

It is interesting that opposition to President Putin’s constitutional changes  propose only very recently is now aired in the mainstream newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta under the title “Changes in the interests of the majority?” –

10.02.2020 20:24:00

Поправки в интересах большинства?

Социальные пункты закона об изменении Конституции выглядят как прикрытие для политических решений

Сергей Левченко

Об авторе: Сергей Георгиевич Левченко – экс-губернатор Иркутской области, первый секретарь обкома КПРФ.


   The op ed is only the tip of an iceberg of suspicion. What about the rights of minority

parties? Why does it all have to happen at lightning speed? The author is Sergei

Levchenko, ex-governor of the Irkutsk region, first

secretary of the Communist Party’s regional committee.